I’m currently taking on a limited number of new clients.

If you would like to see me, please contact me via email or 544 0291.

If you need to see an Osteopath sooner than I’m available, try contacting Osteopathy Nelson – 546 9350- or Finn Thomas – 021 877 669 or www.finnthomasosteopath.co.nz 

I will be away from 24th April returning on 29th April.

Thanks for your patience.


Please note that my standard prices will be going up by $5 on 1st February 2024.


If you have an injury, back or neck pain, headaches, Michaela can help restore you to health.

Osteopaths work with their hands using a wide variety of treatment techniques. These may include soft tissue techniques, rhythmic passive joint mobilisation or the high velocity thrust techniques designed to improve mobility and the range of movement of a joint. Gentle release techniques are widely used, particularly when treating children or elderly patients. This allows the body to return to efficient normal function

Whilst back pain is the most common problem seen, osteopathy can help with a wide range of problems including changes to posture in pregnancy, babies with colic or sleeplessness, repetitive strain injury, postural problems caused by driving or work strain, children with glue ear, the pain of arthritis and sports injuries among many others.

Osteopathic treatment can be used in conjunction with your normal medication and can be adapted to treat any age or condition.

This is a registered osteopathic practice and I am a member of the Osteopathic Council New Zealand and Osteopaths New Zealand.
For more information visit: www.osteopathiccouncil.org.nz and www.osteopathsnz.co.nz

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